Photo Contest Lo Scattone 2011


photo contest lo scattone loscattone

Best Picture

Bianca Boriassi

La Spezia

"C Era Una Volta Un Volto" San Terenzo
Best Composition

Herman Cater

Celje (Slovenia)

"Mr. X"
"Good Morning"

Sentrupert (Slovenia)

Jury's special award      

Gianluca Cardoni


"Family 3"


Jury's segnalations      

Francesca Donatelli

Bibbiena (Ar)


Bibbiena (AR)


Ilaria Giudice


"Il Fazzoletto Di Killian"

Wexford (Irlanda)

Association Pro Loco Dama in Casentino
sponsored by
Comune di Chiusi della Verna
Provincia di Arezzo
Comunità Montana del Casentino
Circolo fotografico AVIS Bibbiena

Photo Contest "Lo Scattone" 2011

theme :



1) Association Pro Loco Dama in Casentino    presents the fourth edition of  Lo Scattone Photo Contest open to all photographers with any skill levels and any ages. The theme of this edition is: 'FACES'.
2) FROM THIS YEAR'S FESTIVAL, THE PHOTO CONTEST BECAMES DIGITAL! Competitors will be able to decide to send their photos also exclusively online by sending them, according to the procedures mentioned in point No 3 directly from this page of our website                    In this case, only the pictures choose from the jury, will be printed  (at least one for each participants). Remains also possibility to send photo by ordinary mail in this case, the photos shall be ALREADY PRINTED.
3) Competitors that mean to send their photos excusively online, should fill the digital version of the entry form available on              and make the payement according to the indicated modalities. The photos have to be uploaded according to the instructions mentioned on the same page. The organization is not responsible in any case for the material's submitted by the participants and for eventual mistakes occurred during the sending of the works.
4) Competitors may submit no more than 4 images (B/W or color).
5) If the photos are sent by ordinary mail, they should have a format 30 x 40 cm. photos with lower dimensions must be mounted on cardboard to be around 30 x 40 cm.                     Competitors can also send a CD (optional) containing the same printed images sent for competition, in this case it's necessary to fill in the coupon specifiing all files name presents on CD for each photo.
6) To protect the participants, in case of delivery by ordinary mail, the photos should be send to Associazione Pro Loco Dama in Casentino. Loc. Dama - 52010 Chiusi della Verna (Arezzo) - ITALY perfectly sealed in an envelope to protect them from damage; package should also include the entry form (contained in this coupon) CD (optional) and fee (10E). The entry form must be signed, otherwise there won't be possible to join the contest; In the back side of each photo must be written: Title, Subject (Place), Year of shot, Name and Surname.

7) Each author is responsible of presented photo and authorizes organization for the full and free use.
8) Photo, Entry form and fee must be sent until 10th AUGUST 2011.
9) The fee is of 10.00 Euros for any participant, in case of delivery by ordinary mail, should have to be paid in cash inside the package.                   IN CASE OF DIGITAL PHOTOS sent by IT WILL BE REQUESTED A FURTHER CONTRIBUTION OF 6,00Euro AS PARTIAL REFUND FOR THE PRINT that can be paid together with the fee as listed in the website.
10) The jury is composed of 5 members: 2 member of Pro Loco Dama in Casentino, 1 professional photographer, 1 member of Photography Club AVIS Bibbiena, 1 National Council FIAF (Italian Federation of Photographic Associations).     The response of jury is final and unappealable.
11) The award will be performed on Saturday 21 August 2011 on Associazione Pro Loco Dama, Chiusi della Verna (AR) - Italy.
12) Received works will not be returned, Association Pro Loco Dama in Casentino reserves all rights to delivered material.
13) A photo exhibition will be set in the days          20th and 21st August 2011; The jury reserves the right to decide photos to be show.
14) The Association Pro Loco Dama in Casentino disclaims any responsibility for any loss, theft and damage of the material delivered.
15) Winners must contact the Association within 30 days from the date of award to agree the way to take it.
16) Contest participation implies permission to Association for personal data treatment using computer for conducting competition.

Best Picture:
- Parchment
- Netbook with S.O. Windows 7
- Waterproof bag
- Accessories for SLR photography

Best Composition:
- Carbon tripod
Waterproof camera bag
Accessories for SLR photography

Jury's special mention Award:
- Binoculars Konus 10x40
Waterproof bag
Accessories for SLR photography


    Corso Francia, 286
    10139 Torino
    Tel. 011-720754

    di Agnoletti Elena
    via Borghi, 57
    52011 Bibbiena (AR)
    Tel. 0575-593054

MORELLI s.a.s.
    Via delle Industrie Ovest,
    06083 Bastia Umbra (PG)
    Tel. 075-8010740

    Via della Gora, 13/5,
    50025 Montespertoli (FI)   


Download Entry form:


photo_contest_lo_scattone_2011.pdf670.77 KB